Wheeler Weekender - Ski Touring Illecillewaet Valley - Thursday, Mar 13, 2025

The Basics:
Event Type: Skiing 
Event Location: A.0 Wheeler Hut - Rogers Pass 
Event Starts:   Thursday, Mar 13, 2025 04:00 PM  
Event Ends:   Sunday, Mar 16, 2025 09:00 PM  
Registration Cut Off:   Monday, Mar 03, 2025 03:00 PM  
Difficulty Rating:   D3 - See Conversion Chart  
Trip Coordinator(s):   Travis Warwick

Participant Info:
Who's Invited:   Members Only  
Attendee Screening:   Attendees are Pre-Screened
Maximum Group Size: 4
Maximum No. Guests: 0
Minimum Group Size: 4
Maximum No. Guests Per Member: 0
Number Registered So Far:   4 (View sign-ups, waiting list)
Are Dogs Permitted:   No


March 13 - Leave Edmonton around 4pm (Ideally), drive to Golden. Carpooling in 1 or 2 vehicles if possible. Supper on the road. Arrive at the Dreamcatcher hostel in Golden around 10pm. Stay the night.  

March 14 - Ski Day #1.

Breakfast before leaving golden. Head to the Pass, get our permits from Parks and get to the parking lot. Early start to the day is required to ensure a parking spot is had. This is a busy parking lot. Head into the cabin to drop off gear, then start the ski day. 

Objective will be set by available terrain choices based on conditions. Group Decision Making will be the standard. Lunch #1 on the mountain. Return to Cabin.

Dinner #1, Unwind

March 15th - Ski Day #2

Breakfast #1

Objective will be set by available terrain choices based on conditions. Group Decision Making will be the standard. Length of day will be longer. Lunch #2 on the mountain. Return to Cabin.

Dinner #2, Prepare gear/pack up. Cleanup cabin.

March 16th - Return Day

Breakfast #2

Close up cabin and head out by 9am. 

Return to vehicles and return home safe. 

Required Items to Bring:

Avalanche Rescue Equipment, Outdoor outerwear, touring equipment, headlamp, food and related items, Avalanche probe/beacon/shovel, Backpack (touring pack), sleeping bag/pillow, cloths, first aid kit, water bottle, personal medical items. 

Recommended Items to Bring:

Extra Gloves, Helmet, skin wax, Extra Ski Poles, repair tools/parts, cabin slippers


Difficulty D3 - The vertical is big in Rogers Pass. Participants should be fit and able to tour for a full day. The ski out back to the cabin can be tough at times, especially on split-boarders. This is not a zone for inexperienced people. 


  • Breakfast and Dinner is ideally split to make things easier. With 4 people, each person would supply 1 meal for the group (either breakfast or dinner). 
  • Gas/mileage to be split equally if carpooling. 
  • Hut Booking - $120/person for the weekend ($60/night/person)
  • Dreamcatcher Hostel - Approx $50/night. Booking made by each attendee. 

Cancellation Policy
You can view our cancellation policy here.

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This event is full. If you register, you will be placed on the waiting list in case of a cancellation.

Never (not until the event has passed) 
2 Days Before Event  
7 Days Before Event